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Hemlock Garden and Floral specializes in transforming indoor and outdoor urban spaces with natural beauty. We cater to both residential and commercial clients through all four seasons, bringing our personal touch to patios and porches, balconies, rooftop gardens, common spaces, private gardens and more. 

Whether your space is at the conceptual phase or well lived in, Hemlock works with a wide array of accomplished craftsmen, irrigation specialists, garden centers, nurseries, growers, and container makers and distributors to see through any project specific to container garden design, from concept to final completion.

What is Container Gardening?


In short, any living or decorative matter that is planted in a container, large or small, indoors or outdoors. Potted trees on a roofscape, cut flowers in a vase, front-porch urns filled with annual flowers, window boxes brimming with herbs, live wall installations, house plants — these are all container gardens. Designing, installing and maintaining container gardens is Hemlock’s specialty — for homes, businesses, and public spaces.


Seasonal Maintenance & Services


Hemlock maintains container gardens year-round. We love getting our hands dirty at the start of each season to change out existing designs — think tulips in the spring, hardy tropicals in the summer, mums and cabbage in the fall, evergreen foliage in the winter.

When not digging in the dirt, we enjoy designing interior floralscapes and installations and love any opportunity to curate weekly flower deliveries to homes and businesses. Hemlock also offers vacation care, plant-sitting and regular maintenance for established gardens and vulnerable starters alike.

The Beauty of a Small Business 


Hemlock is a small operation, which allows us the privilege to take our time in exploring unique details to complement your space. Owned and operated by one person, Hemlock stands apart from larger landscape design companies that often prioritize paperwork over personal connections. We look forward to meeting new clients in person to walk through sun and shade opportunities, navigate expectations vs. reality, discuss plant care, and follow up regularly. 


Meet Hemlock’s Proprietress


Hemlock Garden and Floral was founded by Angie Mead in Spring 2016 as a means to work creatively in the outdoors. As a lead designer at Gethsemane Garden Center, Chicago's destination garden center, Angie has worked with clients from all walks of life to foster happiness, peace, and tranquility via her unique garden and floral designs.










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